Changing the world, one service at a time...

You will find the latest information about our services here. 

Ever accelerating digitalisation

Small company with big ideas. We have digitalization in our blood. We see a path forward to implement various strategies, which power businesses to the next level.


Digital transformation is essential for businesses of any size. Needed to stay relevant and competitive in today’s market. Yet for a business without core IT competence and a limited budget, it could sound like an intimidating undertaking.


No company can ignore the benefits of using the right technologies in any business. It’ll help to improve efficiency, lower costs, increase productivity, improve customer experience. Last but not least ultimately, boost profit.

Master and Reference data management

Providing solutions for your key data management challenges

Essential GDPR / DSGVO base services

We help you to focus on your data lifecycle and data access management to ensure compliance.

Cooperation based data sharing

Simplifying data usage and sharing with workflows and rule-based data consumption.

Simple keys to Digital Transformation Strategy

Break down silos and encourage data-based collaboration and processes

Empower teams with data, accurate insights with goal to design relevant products and services.

Ensure seamless integration of business systems and services to streamline operation and delivery

Involve every level of the organisation to create strong cultural foundation with digital continuity initiatives

Don't fall for the "Bright Shiny Object" syndrome. Identify areas will yield the most meaningful results, focusing on customer experience, service engagement and business processes

Focus budget on areas have the greatest business impact. Maximize resources and possibly outsource tasks to service providers with compatible service portfolio to continuously keep cost under control